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Envoyé par dafina 
26 octobre 2003, 01:38
Good Morning,
I just want to let you know that I have been very impressed with your
website, and I very much enjoy it.
I would like to get your help regarding a picture that I found on your
website, I need to get information on where it is from and it's historical
background . I am in a serious relationship with a man that sent me this
picture before and told me that the man in the middle was his grandfather. 3
months later I found it in your website and I think that this is too much of
a coincidence.
Thank-you very much for your help.
404 507 1696
Pièces jointes:
Re: Photo
27 octobre 2003, 00:11
hi !!

this picture was make in the begining of 19 century !! in mazagan city ( el jadida now)

i cant say any things about : just is postal card.


Yassar Ben-Soly
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