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"Waiting for Gary Cooper"

"Waiting for Gary Cooper"
09 juin 2020, 02:10
Mes amis

Je suis heureux de vous informer que mon roman "Une fille en chemise bleu" a été traduit dernièrement en anglais et il apparaît sur Amazon sous le nouveau nom "Waiting for Gary Cooper"

et c'est le lien


Le roman, publié en hébreu par Yedioth Books en 2013, est devenu immédiatement un best-seller et reçu des critiques élogieuses et en voici quelques-uns:

“Waiting for Gary Cooper” is an impressive and moving work, the story of an immigrante from Morocco to Israel in the 1950s. Its power lies not in the pain of the memories it evokes, but in their beauty..
Bensimhon does to his beloved Sefrou what Garcia Marquez did to Macondo. Marquez wrote about a town as if it existed, whereas Bensimhon writes about an existing town as if it had been invented, creating true magic.

Yaron Avitov, Ha’aretz, 28.3.2014

I have a new literary love: His name is Marciano. He immigrated from Sefrou, in Morocco, in the 1950s. He lives in Wadi Salib in Haifa, writes poetry, sneaks into movie houses, and writes a diary...

I would like to find Gabriel Bensimhon and embrace him for the beautiful book he wrote.

Tsipi Gurion, MAKO, 24.10.2013

Between the pages of the book we find past and present, a large number of characters and stories, parallels, metaphors. This book must be read slowly, lingering over every detail, pondering the power of the characters.

If light love stories are guzzled like beer, “Girl in Blue Shirt” must be savored slowly, in measured sips, like whiskey.

Ayelet Klein-Cohen, Ma’ariv, 14.11.2013

The story moves forward with relentless drive. There is not a moment’s respite, not a page without the story line taking an unexpected turn or some exotic character being added to the cast.

Humor, poetry, introspection, and a touch of magic realism are all mixed in a perfect brew that keeps the reader’s attention riveted.
I believe that readers everywhere will find the same fascination in Bensimhon’s Sefrou and Haifa as they find in Pamuk’s Istanbul, in Rushdie’s Mumbai, or in Vargas Llosa’s Lima.

Gabriel Lany: 2020

Bien a vous

Gabriel Bensimhon
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