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? Hiloula de Ribbi Rapha?l David Berdugo, de Meknes
11 mars 2007, 15:39
Aujourd'hui 11 Mars 2007,

21 du mois de Adar est celebree la Hiloula du grand sage Rav Raphael David Berdugo
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Arbre1genealogique des Rabbins Berdugo.1.jpg
Re: ? Hiloula de Ribbi Rapha?l David Berdugo, de Meknes
13 mars 2007, 11:16
Raphael David BERDUGO fils de Abia BERDUGO

Raphael David BERDUGO a eu trois enfants:
ses enfants,


ses enfants,

o Shlomo BERDUGO
 Moshe BERDUGO (children: Gabriel BERDUGO, Eliahou BERDUGO)
 Mordehai BERDUGO
 Yekotiel BERDUGO
 Yaacov BERDUGO
 Eliahou BERDUGO
 Moshe BERDUGO (children: Haim BERDUGO and Yossef BERDUGO)
 David BERDUGO (children: Haim BERDUGO, Schmuel BERDUGO and Meir BERDUGO)

• Yossef BERDUGO
ses enfants,


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Arbre2, 1.jpg
Re: ? Hiloula de Ribbi Rapha?l David Berdugo, de Meknes
13 mars 2007, 11:33
La famille Berdugo et le Mellah de Meknes,

Jewish Quarter

The old Mellah (Jewish quarter) was located on a bad terrain (a sloping gorge). The new Mellah was acquired by the jewish community in the 1920s in part due to the efforts of the BERDUGO family. This new larger Mellah was built next to the old Mellah. It was walled and locked at night, for in Nissan 1911 the Mellah was attack, and was under seige for 3 months until the intervention of the French.
The first houses were built 1924 in the new mellah. The Rabbi Yeoushoua synagogue was inaugurated there in 1926. The Talmud Torah was built in 1930.

L' ancien mellah de Meknes etait situe sur un mauvais terrain, sorte de gorge en pente.
Le nouveau Mellah de cette ville fut donc acquis par la communaute juive de Meknes vers les annees 1920's , aidee considerablement par des efforts soutenus et tres importants de la part de la famille Berdugo.
Ce nouveau mellah a ete bati pres de l'ancien.Il etait entoure de murailles et ferme la nuit( porte verouillee); car le mellah de Meknes fut attaque au mois de Nissan 1911 et assiege pendant trois mois jusqu'a l'intervention des autorites francaises.
Les premieres maisons du nouveau mellah fures baties en 1924.
Le Rabbin Yehoushua fonda sa premiere synagogue en 1926.
Le Talmud Thora fut inaugure en 1930.

traduction: elie cohen

Pièces jointes:
Le Vieux Mellah de Meknes, 1953.jpg
Re: ? Hiloula de Ribbi Rapha?l David Berdugo, de Meknes
13 mars 2007, 12:04

Rabbi Raphael David Berdugo zatsal (ne en Aout 1832 a Meknes, decede 26 Mars 1916 a Meknes, Maroc)

Rabbi Raphael David Berdugo son of R'Yaacov Berdugo was born August 1832 in Meknès, Maroc, and died 26 March 1916 in Meknès, Maroc.

Notes for R'Raphael David Berdugo:
S. 3 - "The Sephardic Connection" Site Internet de D.Loeb
R'Rephael David Berdugo fils de R'Ab'ia Berdugo ben R' Yekutiel (Br.C)

NB/RC Après plusieurs recherches ,R'Réphael Berdugo était plutôt le fils de R'Yaacov Berdugo ben R'Yekutiel (Br.C). Il me semble que "Ab'ia " ne peut être que le sigle de R'Yaacov

S.6 Abraham I. Laredo p.429
R'RaphaelDavid Berdugo ,fils de Jacob, Rabbin a Meknès au XIXè s.Auteur de différentes introductions aux livres de "Mishpatim Yesharim", "Shofriya de -Ya'acov",etc..

S.21 Malkhé Rabbanan .p. 108-2
R'Raphael David Berdugo, born c. août 1832 in Meknès,Maroc; died Unknown in Meknès,Maroc .
Notes: Raphael David Berdugo b. Yaacov b.Yekutiel,Meknès, 8th child(all the 7 brothers died), b. Av 5592 (ou août 1832).

S.R' YItshaq Toledano ''Meknès Yeroushalayim vé Marocco
R,Réphael David Berdugo ben R'Yaacov (seul survivant )parmi ses 8 frères tous morts très jeunes est né en aout 1832 et décédé à l'âge de 84 ans le 21 adar 2 5676 (26 mars 1916). Ses 3 enfants
R' Yaacov, R'Moshé, R'Yossef sont tous décédés avant leur père ,ie. avant 1916, donc j'ai donné (RC) des dates approximatives.

NB: Les informations ci -dessus fournies par R'Yitshaq Toledano se réfèrent au livre de R'Yossef Messas ''Sofria dé Yossef''.

Rabbi Raphael ben Abraham Berdugo, membre de cette grande famille de Rabbins de Meknes et ailleurs , Israel

Pièces jointes:
Rabbi Raphael ben Avraham Berdugo.jpg
Re: ? Hiloula de Ribbi Rapha?l David Berdugo, de Meknes
13 mars 2007, 12:16
Rabbi Joshua ben Jacob BERDUGO

Rabbi Joshua ben Jacob BERDUGO (b. 1878 Meknes - d. 1953) of the Raphael BERDUGO Synagogue. He had a strong personality and on a number of occasions was in conflict with the leaders of the Church and with members of the French government, by whom he was respected. He was open to the modern world, and encouraged the reopening in 1911 of the Alliance school in Meknes despite the opposition of his colleagues. In 1913, he found the first Zionist organization in Meknes Hibat Sion. The communal rules and regulations adopted during this time were published in the pamphlets of "The Council of Moroccan Rabbis" (Casablanca). Named chief Rabbi of Meknes and dayan in 1904 with Rabbi Salomon ben Chettrit. Named vice president of Rabbinical Tribunal of Meknes in 1924. In 1928, he founded the first synagogue in the New Mellah (which was later named after him). Named president of Rabbinical Tribunal in 1932. In 1941, he succeeded Rabbi Yekoutiel Haim BERDUGO as president of high rabbinical court and Chief Rabbi of Morocco. He distinguished himself by his great openness of spirit and his firmity in confronting authorities. Retired in 1949 due to illness. His funeral in 1953 in Meknes was one of the largest in the history of the community.
None of his books were published.
Founded a synagogue (named after him) at the Nouveau Mellah (literally ghetto in Arabic). Another synagogue (the New Synagogue or Slat Jdida) was founded just afterwards by his detractors.
He had seven children

traduction rapide par elie cohen;

La vie du Rav Joshua ben Jacob Berdugo, Meknes 1878-1953, appartenant a la dynastie de la synagogue Raphael Berdugo de Meknes.
Forte personnalite, en conflit avec les autorites chretiennes et francaises de sa ville qui neanmoins le respectaient!
D'esprit moderne , il encouragea l'ouverture de l'ecole de l'Alliance Israelite a Meknes en 1911.
En 1913, il fonda la 1ere organisation sioniste de meknes, Hibat Sion.
Apres plusieurs postes tres importants, president tribunal rabbinique 1932, puis du haut tribunal, il devint Grand Rabbin du Maroc et le resta jusqu' en 1949, annee ou il prit sa retraite pour cause de maladie.
Ses funerailles en 1953 furent les plus grandes que Meknes ait connues.
Aucun de ses ouvrages ne furent publies, helas!
Il fonda une synagogue qui porta son nom et eut sept enfants.

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yehochoah Berdugo grand rabbin du Maroc 1878-1953.jpg
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