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Envoyé par Lison2 
Excellent speech. If all the journalists were like her, we would not have the Islamic fundamentalist in Europe.

Pilar Rahola is a Spanish politician, journalist and activist. She is a
passionate defender of the United States and Israel and an indefatigable
fighter against anti-Semitism. All these despite being ideologically from
the left. Her articles are published in Spain and throughout some of the
most important newspapers in Latin America. She is the recipient of major
awards by Jewish organizations.

Why don't we see demonstrations against Islamic dictatorships in London,
Paris, Barcelona? Or demonstrations against the Burmese dictatorship? Why
aren't there demonstrations against the enslavement of millions of women who
live without any legal protection? Why aren't there demonstrations against
the use of children as human bombs where there is conflict with Islam? Why
has there been no leadership in support of the victims of Islamic
dictatorship in Sudan? Why is there never any outrage against the acts of
terrorism committed against Israel? Why is there no outcry by the European
left against Islamic fanaticism? Why don't they defend Israel's right to
exist? Why confuse support of the Palestinian cause with the defense of
Palestinian terrorism? An finally, the million dollar question:Why is the
left in Europe and around the world obsessed with the two most solid
democracies, the United States and Israel, and not with the worst
dictatorships on the planet? The two most solid democracies, who have
suffered the bloodiest attacks of terrorism, and the left doesn't care.

And then, to the concept of freedom. In every pro Palestinian European forum
I hear the left yelling with fervor: "We want freedom for the people!" Not
true. They are never concerned with freedom for the people of Syria or Yemen
or Iran or Sudan, or other such nations. And they are never preoccupied when
Hammas destroys freedom for the Palestinians. They are only concerned with
using the concept of Palestinian freedom as a weapon against Israeli
freedom. The resulting consequence of these ideological pathologies is the
manipulation of the press.

The international press does major damage when reporting on the question of
the Israeli-Palestinian issue. On this topic they don't inform, they
propagandize. When reporting about Israel the majority of journalists forget
the reporter code of ethics. And so, any Israeli act of self-defense becomes
a massacre, and any confrontation, genocide. So many stupid things have been
written about Israel, that there aren't any accusations left to level
against her. At the same time, this press never discusses Syrian and Iranian
interference in propagating violence against Israel; the indoctrination of
children and the corruption of the Palestinians. And when reporting about
victims, every Palestinian casualty is reported as tragedy and every Israeli
victim is camouflaged, hidden or reported about with disdain.

And let me add on the topic of the Spanish left. Many are the examples that
illustrate the anti-Americanism and anti-Israeli sentiments that define the
Spanish left. For example, one of the leftist parties in Spain has just
expelled one of its members for creating a pro-Israel website. I quote from
the expulsion document: "Our friends are the people of Iran, Libya and
Venezuela, oppressed by imperialism, and not a Nazi state like Israel."

In another example, the socialist mayor of Campozuelos changed Shoah Day,
commemorating the victims of the Holocaust, with Palestinian Nabka Day,
which mourns the establishment of the State of Israel, thus showing contempt
for the six million European Jews murdered in the Holocaust. Or in my native
city of Barcelona, the city council decided to commemorate the 60th
anniversary of the creation of the State of Israel, by having a week of
solidarity with the Palestinian people. Thus, they invited Leila Khaled, a
noted terrorist from the 70's and current leader of the Popular Front for
the Liberation of Palestine, a terrorist organization so described by the
European Union, which promotes the use of bombs against Israel. And so on
and so on.

This politically correct way of thinking has even polluted the speeches of
president Zapatero. His foreign policy falls within the lunatic left, and on
issues of the Middle East he is unequivocally pro Arab. I can assure you
that in private, Zapatero places on Israel the blame for the conflict in the
Middle East, and the policies of foreign minister Moratinos reflect this.
The fact that Zapatero chose to wear a kafiah in the midst of the Lebanon
conflict is no coincidence; it's a symbol.

Spain has suffered the worst terrorist attack in Europe and it is in the
crosshairs of every Islamic terrorist organization. As I wrote before, they
kill us will cell phones hooked to satellites connected to the Middle Ages.
An yet the Spanish left is the most anti Israeli in the world.

And then it says it is anti Israeli because of solidarity. This is the
madness I want to denounce in this conference.


I am not Jewish. Ideologically I am left and by profession a journalist. Why
am I not as anti Israeli as my colleagues? Because as a non-Jew I have the
historical responsibility to fight against Jewish hatred and currently
against the hatred for their historic homeland, Israel. To fight against
anti-Semitism is not the duty of the Jews, it is the duty of the non-Jews.

As a journalist it is my duty to search for the truth beyond prejudice, lies
and manipulations. The truth about Israel is not told. As a person from the
left who loves progress, I am obligated to defend liberty, culture, civic
education for children, coexistence and the laws that the Tablets of the
Covenant made into universal principles. Principles that Islamic
fundamentalism systematically destroys. That is to say that as a non-Jew,
journalist and lefty I have a triple moral duty with Israel, because if
Israel is destroyed, liberty, modernity and culture will be destroyed too.

The struggle of Israel, even if the world doesn't want to accept it, is the
struggle of the world.


06 janvier 2010, 15:28
CHERE EXILIEE!, Je viens de lire votre l'insertion, elle est sublime! COMME LE Sont tous ses articles publie qu'Elle
Et je me permet de vous signaler que Pilar Rahola, N'EST PAS homme c'est plus C'Est Une très grande Journaliste, Une Femme Espagnole, tres Connue pour ses tendances sur la démocratie, la PAIX ET LA VERITE,

Comme Magali ALLAM, Joseph Farah Sari NUSSERBEH, tous des journalistes et professeur, celebres et modérés d'origine tous, arabes musulmans des Êtres de Bonne Volonté Qui oeuvrent pour la Paix en Israël et de par le Monde ..

Merci Mon D. IEU d'envoyer tous les jours TA LUMIERE ET TA VERITE A tous les êtres de Bonne Volonté, CES ETRES Supérieurs, Qu'ils raccontent TA VERITE AU MONDE ENTIER.

06 janvier 2010, 22:40
Merci, Thank you Exilée for this post. Pilar Rahola is a name to remember.

Yom Tov
07 janvier 2010, 14:01
Merci à vous Korin et à vous Lison, mais malheureusement ces personnes trés courageuses et intégres

dans leur façon de rapporter les faits "non tronqués" , et , qui devraient être relayés par une presse digne de

ce nom ,n'ont hélas, que peu d'audience ou, pas du tout , il ne reste que ce média qu'est internet pour nous éclairer ,

et à ce titre , nous nous devons de les diffuser massivement .

J'ai d'autres articles trés édifiants qui démontrent comment le MECANISME DE DESINFORMATION s'installe ,

là , je suis occupée à préparer mon SHABBATH , et si D.ieu veut aprés shabbath , je vais m'y atteler .

Je vous souhaite à toutes les deux un Shabbath Shalom , et que D.ieu protège et bénisse ISRAEL ,

notre merveilleux pays .
09 janvier 2010, 14:15
je vous presente Pilar Rahola

Pièces jointes:
10 janvier 2010, 02:46

Merci de donner un visage à cette personne qui mérite notre admiration et notre gratitude

pour son travail trés courageux qui tend à RETABLIR LA VERITE DANS LE MONDE


11 janvier 2010, 01:17
regardez cette video, de quoi étonner plus d'un(e). ceci dit.... restons modestes.

11 janvier 2010, 02:42
Lison,c'est une excellent illustration de mes propos sur la génétique concernant Obama.N'en déplaise à certains !!
12 janvier 2010, 08:07
Ce journaliste, guru dans le business et féru du showbiz,
et qui prétend ici être un brillant généticien !!! à la chance d’avoir le joker d’être juif;
Car s’il était un non-juif, et tenait de tel propos en France,
il serait renvoyé s’assoir coude a coude a cote de Maurice Papon !!!
12 janvier 2010, 09:16
HI ...I would like to mention something that always seems to be important for me, in particular when dealing with science area. Reasoning in science is in reach by everyone; but there is also what is to be called ethic. This ethic as notion has been missed out for a long time. And now the humanity in whole gets aware of. So, many comities of ethic have been constituted to set up rules and ways or methods of doing things.
The University of Western Michigan, which is one of them, has issued a work talking about ethic; This Essay becomes today a basis reference for the most professional organizations and laboratories in the world. If you take a look at its key points, you will find out that there is a proper approach to deal with such question.
Enjoy your snow day !
12 janvier 2010, 10:27
Are you constesting this research ? the man is a journalist, indeed, but he pretends NOTHING, he only relates. if you have a problem with the result of the research - let it be known, and debate the whole thing with proofs and arguments, you are indeed free to think the way you want.

We are enjoying the sun and very nice weather in Israel.

12 janvier 2010, 11:12
Mais,Lison,pour certains il est beaucoup plus facile de juger l'orateur que de débattre du fond.L'exemple du débat français qui tourne autour de la hauteur des talons et des tics de sarkozy plutòt que des résultats de sa politique,forcément mauvaise puisqu'il n'a pas la taille d'Obama .Il ne aut pas trop demander à notre interlocuteur !!!!
12 janvier 2010, 11:23
Firstly, this research has no result, or is worth nothing, if you want, unless a scandalous consideration toward human being.
Secondly, I am just talking about ethic.
Let me give you a simple example:
when you are driving a car in the road; that supposes you have a driving license, allowing you to do so.
If not, you may commit mistake toward the drivers’ community. Yes or not?
It’s the same in the scientists’ community. One has first to pass a public exam related to the ethic matter,
in order to be able to publish and issue one’s ideas, especially when supposed to be scientific. In others terms,
we have to acquire the legitimacy of the action before thinking of operating in the public environment.
We have to think of the consequences that we may bring about later. Exactly like in medicine. That is it!

so enjoy your sunny day ! cool smiley
12 janvier 2010, 11:49
well ??? what makes you think that the Sciences Ethics Committee has not taken this study into considération ? look it up ?? considering the number of Scientific Nobel Prize winners of Jewish origines, it is a well known fact.

the problem is yours, accept. or ignore, we dont care.

We've heard it all on this forum, we've quietly gave our views or related the facts and the news on this forum, The best of us have left, because the level of the discussions, has lowered the quality in all aspects.

I have taken a few periods of non-answering, and here I am again, thinking of getting some air !!

12 janvier 2010, 12:09
Yeah! the best thing to do when you have nothing to say is to say nothing. It is american humour.
If you prefer to turn off you computer and set off, it’s up to you to do what you want;
Otherwise, you can still keep talking and answering; none prevents you from doing that;
The level of the discussion has indeed so lowered that I cannot put up with this video;
because I have still some respect for human being.

enjoy yourself
see you soon under the moon !
12 janvier 2010, 12:29
When you pour something into a glass, the weighty substance always lowers to the bottom;
Meanwhile the light one goes up the surface, or even off the air !!
12 janvier 2010, 15:08
Ce journaliste, guru dans le business et féru du showbiz,
et qui prétend ici être un brillant généticien !!! à la chance d’avoir le joker d’être juif;
Car s’il était un non-juif, et tenait de tel propos en France,
il serait renvoyé s’assoir coude a coude a cote de Maurice Papon !!!

I don't understand why you compare this journalist to Maurice Papon???? Are you aware of what Maurice Papon has done to a great deal of the Jewish population of Bordeaux?
12 janvier 2010, 16:55
Dear rivou

Responding to this question lets me getting into this genetic question against my will;
There is a small difference, if not at all; how is that?
This former official of city Bordeaux had suited the action to the word;
Meanwhile this journalist is cooking a thesis to do the same;
Otherwise, they are the same.
It is not because he is talking about Jews people in positive way that he must be congratulated for his deep stereotypical view ;
Categorizing humans positively or negatively on the basis of genetic data is a danger;
That leads sequentially first to consider human classes, and then conflict between these classes; and then to end up finally
into what the humanity has unfortunately witnessed i.e. extermination;
This is always the typical path; always always
My response shall be if the humanity is rich by different variants of being, we all look the same!!!
Now it is my turn to ask you a question:
Israel which could be considered like a gathering of Jewish people;
Is it a perfect society? I mean in absolute term
Is it a Nobel Prize society with what happened in Gaza, exactly one year ago??

So now, to put a definite end at this anthropology of genius people, let me offer you this music
composed by one of the most genius composer in the history.

12 janvier 2010, 22:59
La débile et infâmante comparaison inventée par un esprit tourmenté, veut prouver que la génétique est une source de haine alors que celle ci nait de la volonté suprémaciste de groupes se definissant eux-mêmes comme génétiquement purs ( vikings-celtes-arabes-aryens).Papon était un valet administratif de la "race" germanique qui avait porté à son paroxysme la notion de race identifiable.Préfet de Paris,il n'a pas hésité à reproduire le même schéma plus tard.
Et au sein même de ce peuple arabo-musulman,la génetique est omni-présente : berbères de Kabilie, amazighs du Maroc,exigent la reconnaissance de leurs appartenance génétique,ailleurs que sur leur terre ancestrale.Et que dire des tribus africaines ,dont l'exemple tristement comique vient du nouveau président sud-africain qui se définit avant tout comme zoulou pour réfuter la loi de son pays après celui tragique des tutsis et hutus! Et que dire de la resurrection des races andines qui reprennent le pouvoir avec Chavez et Moralès !La liste n'es pas exhaustive.

Le véritable danger existentiel pour les civilisations est celui de la place prépondérante des religions dans la notion d'appartenance "tribale".Les musulmans de toutes races confondues font cause commune dans des conflits territoriaux qui ne les concernent pas mais dans lesquels sont impliqués d'autre musulmans qu'ils massacrent ailleurs allègrement !!!Les chrétiens de même.

Il n'y a cependant qu'aux Juifs que l'on reproche d'être solidaires ,un comble,mais celà dure depuis Abraham ,puisatier célèbre dont les puits bienfaisants étaient comblés de pierre par Abimeleck,roi de.. Gaza,qui le bannissait pour déjà imposer sa loi belliqueuse au peuple affamé !
13 janvier 2010, 09:35
Ah toi tu es toujours au meme point Godwin
prend l’exemple de l’automobiliste que j’avais donne a lison,
quand il ne sait pas quoi faire au volant, il se met au Point-mort;
Il va falloir un moment donne, tu passes la vitesse et tu nous racontes aut’chose !!!
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