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Computer Games for Car Wars Fans

Envoyé par sharonj 
Computer Games for Car Wars Fans
20 juin 2013, 02:42
A few automotive combat computer games have been released that have boardgame elements with fast gameplay. Autoduel (1985) Deathtrack (1989) Death Rally (1996) Interstate '76 Interstate '76 Nitro Pack Grand Theft Auto 2 Are there any ideas that can be used from these games to apply to Car Wars Sixth Edition?

These games, especially Death Rally and Grand Theft Auto 2, have simple, cinematic movement mechanics with slightly more complex combat and damage mechanics. Based on the results of the polls for Car Wars Sixth Edition, this type of gameplay appears to be the main goal of the game's development. Please feel free to suggest other titles I have not listed. I did not include the original Spy Hunter because that game only permits one direction of movement.

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Modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification le 20/06/2013 02:43 par sharonj.
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