Dafina.net Le Net des Juifs du Maroc


                                I WAS TOLD


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Sam Benchetrit was sitting in front of me, on the terrace of a coffe shop in Los Angeles.
The clear skies and sunny day of the day before had been replaced by a grey overcast.
Sam, in his sixties, a baseball cap over the head, and hands deep into the pockets of his jacket, was staring at his "caffe latte" deep in thoughts.     

- "Miracles" there were many in the history of the jews. Did you know that we had been targeted for slaughter?"The Boches" (germans) landed in Morocco. We didn't really see them. They all wore plain clothes and I think they were still checking out the field. They had settled in the Anfa Hotel. Do you know the Anfa Hotel?" 

- "No" I answered. 

- "Luxuous for those days. It was perched on a hill right in front of the Ain Diab Beach. There were no cabins on that beach,just tents for rent. My friend Samy, went to the hotel to meet some frinds. He was on his bicycle and rode three times around the hotel looking for them. When he didn't find his friends he went to the beach to rent a tent. He was inside the tent undressing whe nall of a sudden two germans came in and forced him back to the hotel. Once there they interrogated him under a rain of punches,they wanted to know why he had circled the hotel. When they heard his answer they told him that "Whomever turns around us will have to deal with us".The germans demanded that he come back the day after, and Sammy suffered the same treatment again. He was let go only when they found out that he was the tailor of the general. "

With a distant look , Sam scans his memory. He starts again: 

"You know the walls were all white in Casablanca.One morning we discovered that someone had written on all of them "Watch out for November 11th"with a piece of coal. Everybody was going crazy trying to guess what did that mean. On November 8th,the americans landed in Casablanca. I became friends with an american later. His task was to seize all the paperwork from a german ship that had been captured. In those files,they found a list of all the moroccan citizens of jewish descent that were to be killed,starting from the richest of them. The first day of the massacre was to be November 11th. The extermination was supposed to last several days.
We were saved three days earlier."

- "Do you remember what year it was?"

- "The year the french surrendered, between 1940-42."

- "Have you suffered from the germans?"

- "No, but Tunisia yes."

- "And the arabs, they were against the germans?" 

- "No,they were with them. On New Year's eve, five german planes attacked the city.Two of them were shot down.The next morning we went to check the damages.An entire school had bee leveled,the only thing left of it was a huge hole in the ground."

- "Were there any injured during the attacks?"

- They found plenty of dead arabs the day after. Seeing the germans,they had lit candles and had gone out into the streets trying to guide the germans to the jews. They all died."

- "How can you be sure that this story is for real?"

- "That's what I was told".






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Traditional meal of Shabbat, this delicacy made of wheat, dried peas and meat was slowly cooked overnight in a low-temp oven.
The word comes from arabic "dafina or adafina" meaning "covered, smothered".




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