Dafina.net Le Net des Juifs du Maroc




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Recipe for 15 to 20 pieces

500g of flower

20 gr of yeast

1 1/2 cup of water*

1/8 cup of oil

pinch of salt

butter and honey as side-fillers

*1 cup is equale to 4 table spoons

Dilute the yeast in a little water and mix with the flower,
water,oil and salt.

Work it until you get a flexible and soft dough

Divide into 20 balls

Let them rest 30mn on an oiled surface

Heat up the cooking utensil.*

Oil your hands and working surface.

Spread each ball and flatten thinly .

Put the first mofleta on the heated pan

Turn around and put a second mofleta on top of it.

Turn the two and add a third mofleta on top of the other two.

Go on until the dough is out.

Serve with butter and honey.

*Mofletas are cooked over a pan eventhough in the old days they used a plate of potery. Don't forget that the mofleta has the place of honor on the table,the night of the Mimouna.








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Traditional meal of Shabbat, this delicacy made of wheat, dried peas and meat was slowly cooked overnight in a low-temp oven.
The word comes from arabic "dafina or adafina" meaning "covered, smothered".




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