Dafina.net Le Net des Juifs du Maroc




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While nowadays, it is very common to invite each other for the Shabbat meal whether it be on friday night or saturday noon,in Morocco that used to be an unheard of practice. 

Each individual was to prepare his own Shabbat and no one would have dared take away that joy or blessing. If there was an invitation,however,the guest had to spend the entire duration of the Shabbat with his hosts, starting on friday afternoon. He was to be completely taken of by his hosts and pay nothing for his own Shabbat ,which,as we have seen with the tradition of Lilt el Haad, lasted until sunday morning. 


 Anita Cohen







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Traditional meal of Shabbat, this delicacy made of wheat, dried peas and meat was slowly cooked overnight in a low-temp oven.
The word comes from arabic "dafina or adafina" meaning "covered, smothered".




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